Nurident Bulgaria i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienNurident Bulgaria



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52, ulitsa "Zlatovrah", 1164, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 777 0703
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.670279, Longitude: 23.331879

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pan Dia


    I was very happy with the services provided by the clinic. The team was lovely and made the whole treatment a pleasure! Highly recommended (:

  • Andre Leite Cortez

    Andre Leite Cortez


    Excellente très professionnel

  • en

    Fraser Ewen


    Chose this Clinic for a full upper jaw restoration after weeks of research and it turned out to be the best decision I've made in a long time. Arrived at the clinic on the Monday 23/10/2017and underwent the first stage of Treatment (removal of remaining teeth and insertion of the basal implants) this turned out in my case to be a very easy procedure with little or no pain felt. Returned to the clinic the next day for metal fittings with the final fitting the day after and was delighted with the final result. The staff at the clinic were found to be highly professional and all equipment used was of the highest quality. I cannot Recommend this clinic or this procedure highly enough and i could not believe how relatively painless from start to finish this was. I'm about to rebook at the clinic for a partial restoration of my lower jaw which is a very strong recommendation of the clinic its staff and the basal implant Procedure.

  • Julian Dimitrov

    Julian Dimitrov


    The best dental service clinic in Bulgaria!

  • en

    Sami Kolev


nærmeste Tandlæge

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