New Bulgarian University i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienNew Bulgarian University


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21, ulitsa "Montevideo", 1618, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 811 0180
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.677864, Longitude: 23.2526939

kommentar 5

  • Monika Spasova

    Monika Spasova


    Better than any public university in the city right now.

  • _EL_ USER_

    _EL_ USER_


    This the best University place with the best teachers, it is hard... It needs strong minds.... But it is easy with advises about all we need, to take our master, with our best!!!!

  • Anita K

    Anita K


    A great modern university, like everything in Bulgaria it has some quirks, but nothing compared to state universities. Giving you every opportunity to learn and develop your future career.

  • Vanina Ivanova

    Vanina Ivanova


    I enrolled only to keep my parents happy and shut them up about my future but eventually I ended up getting a somewhat decent education (or outstanding education by Bulgarian standards). Things I liked about NBU: flexible curriculum options, so you never have to wake up for an 8 am class; some of the professors were quite cool; they didn't kick me out. Things I didn't like about it: they made me pay tuition fee, so I felt a bit guilty about slacking; some of the professors were a*holes; the wi-fi was really bad. Now go get an education. It can do wonders for your future, or so I've heard.

  • Momchil Silvestrov

    Momchil Silvestrov


    The best university in Bulgaria, if you want to learn something. The comunism is taken down to the minimum. No waiting, the teachers actualy use their emails and phones, great online student system.

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