Nedel Mitev i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienNedel Mitev



🕗 åbningstider

17, bulevard "Vitosha", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 700 20 841
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6942276, Longitude: 23.3208746

kommentar 5

  • wetw



    Be careful with the phones that there is no surprise in the bill. hahaha. And in the building - piled up printers and copiers like a dump! HORROR!

  • Ira Popova

    Ira Popova


    As a mother of children, whose father does not pay his alimony regularly, I can only say good things about Nedelcho Mitev! The living proof that there is some justice in our country and that when you stop paying your debts to children, no matter how God-anointed you think, I am referring to my ex, who is innumerable rich and like many others in the country thinks he is above the law and that he can do whatever he wants.

  • Гергана Попова

    Гергана Попова


    Within 10 days the overpaid money was returned to me, to my bank account, don't be scandalous, good things happen with good ☺

  • Деси Димитрова

    Деси Димитрова


    With what right do you draw my fees from the children who transfer me, as well as from the minimum wage I receive or the laws in Bulgaria do not apply to you ... Mr. Mitev? This time you will not miss, I have arranged meetings with Nova TV and BTV that I also write a letter to the Prime Minister Mr. Borisov, he is very fond of violating the rights of mothers. You will become nationally known!

  • Chau Associates

    Chau Associates


    Nedelcho Mitev the lawyer of this office has stolen $1,029,000 from my account in Unicredit and im filling a case in the court against in this office and will inform the EU Lawyers to take action with the Bulgarian authorities against this fraud made by a lawyer in bulgaria, and will publish on all social media my case , i dont advise anyone to work with this officeso no one falls in the trap , if anyone wants the prove that they stole my money i can provide you .

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