Naycar rental i Sofia

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BulgarienNaycar rental



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str, ulitsa "Sv. Sveti Kiril I Metodiy", 1202, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 999 9889
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7043486, Longitude: 23.3149091

kommentar 5

  • Gabriella Previdi

    Gabriella Previdi


    We rented a car for 6 days , last minute, we could not find anything, but he helped us with a good car, a good price, a honest and friendly service. I am so happy we found this car rental. I think the owner is really a very good person. We wish him all the best, we really appreciated his service and we are glad to advise other tourists to use this car rental

  • rijstmetbhaat



    On short notice, got a car relative quickly. Good pricing. Good communication (via WhatsApp). Car delivery and transfer went smoothly.

  • Floyd Angenent

    Floyd Angenent


    Naycar rental was a great help in renting a car in Bulgaria for the week. New car, great service, good prices. The man was friendly and spoke good english and quick in response when we had questions on the road. We got a new opel corsa with full insurance and had a great time driving around the country.

  • Alan Rodríguez

    Alan Rodríguez


    My wife and I planned an almost last minute road trip to the Balkans but found many restrictions and details regarding the countries you could go to. Doing our research we came across Naycar rentals and the fact that they work out the details for easy crossing to all the countries in our list (all the Balkan countries minus Kosovo). We decided to give this a try and were pleasantly surprised with the ease of the process. They met us at the airport the evening we landed in Sofia and met us there again the morning we left. There was just one incident where the Greek authorities didn't let us leave the country arguing that the documents had to be in English, upon contacting Naycar (late at night) they worked to help us out but the border closed before we could sort it out. We tried again the next morning and they didn't even asked for the documents, so everything Naycar had given us from the beginning was fine, not sure why the night shift at the border gave us problems. All in all a great experience renting from them and will book again with them when we travel for Christmas.

  • Vanina Yankova

    Vanina Yankova


    Rented a car for the weekend in June and would highly recommend. They were very responsive , brought the car to the location we were staying at and then we’re very flexible with the return time and place, even with short notice. Great customer service and hassle-free 👌🏻👌🏻⭐️

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