National High School of Science and Mathematics в Sofia

БългарияNational High School of Science and Mathematics


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52, ulitsa "Bigla", 1164, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 862 2966
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6704593, Longitude: 23.3297843

коментари 5

  • bg

    Svilen Miltenov


    Гордея се с МОЕТО училище!Научих много и намерих приятели за цял живот.

  • bg

    Michaela Nedialkova


    Точното място за тези, които искат за в бтдеще да се занимават с природни науки.

  • Stella Bonova

    Stella Bonova


    the best place to learn maths/science and to ruin your mental health... don't do geography

  • bg

    tedi todorova


    Както всяка гимназия - има и добро и не чак толкова добро. Средата е сравнително приятна, има от всичко, и не е трудно да намериш приятели. Учебното заведение е в приличен вид. А преподаването - зависимост от преподавателя. Като цяло бих казала, че дава една добра основа, на базата, на която да продължиш напред.

  • Michael Elfial

    Michael Elfial


    I am probably biased, being a student here 25+ years ago, but I must say it - it is the best place for pre-college education in Bulgaria. The school offers a number of specialties - from mathematics, through physics, to biology, chemistry, biotechnology and many others. The quality of any specialty will vary from year to year, of course, it depends on the teachers involved and on the students who entered that year, but one thing is for sure - a student with strong interests in the given specialty will find a favorable environment for his/her development. This is often undervalued, people tend to put more emphasis on the quality of the teachers (Which is important and is always on a level too), but without the environment, without a healthy competition with equals with the same interests, even the best teacher cannot provide you with all the experiences, attitude and aptitude that your peers can give you by just sharing those high school years with you. The school is a focal point for the obsessed with natural sciences young people from all over the country and when they gather there in the same class the effect is unique among the schools that aim to offer specialized education in the same areas. For many gifted young people this is probably the only place where they will not feel like outcasts, but right in their place, appreciated, in competition with others like them, open for challenges they will like and embrace. As I said, the quality will vary from year to year, but the level of development of a student in this school will usually be comparable to a first/second year university student, but achieved early with enough time to turn knowledge into intuition and skill before even starting the university education. A student from this school will know what he or she is choosing when the time for the next stage of education comes and unlike many other students will almost certainly guarantee that the student will pass through his/hers higher levels of education without hesitation and uncertainty.

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