National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases в Sofia

Коронавирусна болест (COVID-19) Ситуация

потвърдени случаи


смъртни случаи


БългарияNational Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases


почивен ден

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Съботапочивен ден
Неделяпочивен ден
26, bulevard "Yanko Sakazov", 1504, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 944 6999
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6963, Longitude: 23.3387451

коментари 5

  • Lora Pashalieva

    Lora Pashalieva


    I went to the institute at 8:30, when it was supposed to open. There was already a queue of 5 people, a woman from the staff was cleaning inside. At 8:50 the woman locked up and left, at 9:10 she was still gone, and there were more and more people waiting. At 9:15, after no staff showed up, I just left. I tried to call the phone and ask why no one was receiving visitors for so long, but as expected, no one answered. If you value your time, you better not go there.

  • Rado Super

    Rado Super


    At first I looked at the other comments and I was afraid that I would lie to check my health in the hands of careless people. First, there are only two specialists who serve. They don't have time to pick up phones and say results. They just warn themselves that the results are taken only on the spot and so there is no dissatisfaction. I do not comment on whether this is right, etc. I think you need to make an online platform, but it does not depend on them. Second, the women were dedicated, kind, and responsive regardless of the tension / speed with which they worked. They tried to do everything quickly so that people would not wait too long. I am sure that all the printed materials are their initiative so that they can succeed and the state has not done anything to make the whole process easier ...

  • Angela Georgieva

    Angela Georgieva


    To talk to someone from the Institute of Parasitic Diseases, you dial the number of the plant and you must know the internal number in advance - for him, however, you must consult a psychic - NO INFORMATION AND NO WAY TO KNOW WHICH INSIDE . However, the officials of the institute do not expect their salaries from psychics, but from us the taxpayers who (unfortunately) need them ...

  • Madi Sofia

    Madi Sofia


    There was quite a bit of bureaucracy and the architecture is far from the best (from the inside). I was disappointed they didn't find anything after lab tests, otherwise the entire staff was very friendly. Great location and love the monument at the front.

  • Emilia Naseva

    Emilia Naseva


    Professionals work there

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