Nadezhda Hospital в Sofia

БългарияNadezhda Hospital


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улица „Блага вест“, 1330, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 441 7970
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6888637, Longitude: 23.2745693

коментари 5

  • bg

    Stanislav Goleminov


    Хора, избягвате тази клиника.Те не търсят проблема ,а търсят парите Ви.Много изследвания не ни бяха направени и се наложи сами да си ги пуснем, просто ако имате късмет ще се получат нещата от самосебе си .....не случайно има жени с над 15 броя ин витро процедури.

  • Rosa Melina Armijo Campos

    Rosa Melina Armijo Campos


    If it were the possibility to assign a minus qualification and classification to #NadezhdaHospital, I would do so. I have traveled around the world and never faced an improper treatment in a hospital. Before #Bulgaria, I was living in Berlin and I had all controls of my pregnancy there. Because I married to a Bulgarian, I decided to give a birth to my baby in #Sofia. Two months before the delivery, I came to the tour offered by the hospital and I asked several times to be attended by English speaking personnel. To start, the persons in the administration had tremendous problems to get right to write my name properly. Unfortunately, in #Bulgaria you can not expect a high professionalism in healthcare (Please refer to the description of Bulgarian Healthcare system offered by save the children website). By the delivery time, at the moment of entering in the hospital a midwife wanted to touch me without washing her hands. I asked for the attendance of other person. The second midwife was a nice person, however, her English was not so good to assist the process. During the labor process, the rooms assigned for this purpose are next to to the office of the doctors in the second floor. Unfortunately the doctors in this hospital lack of consciousness about the peace that is needed in a Hospital; and during the labor phase all the time it was possible to hear them speaking, laughing. I ask the doctor on charge, Dr. Nelly Dimova that please the people should be respectful, not just because you are a patient, but also because you are paying for a service. After all, I cried so much because I realize that the whole process was conducted wrongly. Since I complained about the way I have been treated during the whole delivery process, Dr. Nelly Dimova was quite tired of me and punished me. She was extremely aggressive and by the time of practicing an episiotomy she started the sewing phase before the anesthesia had come into effect. I could feel everything. Furthermore she performed it incorrectly, in a way that the recovery process extended over six months. I had to treat myself afterwards in Germany. Despite I tried to sue the hospital, no demand proceeded because in Bulgaria given the "ex-socialism culture" collusion is very strong among the working culture of the country. The hospital denied all. Evident from the aforesaid I suffered breach of rights to: - Clear and accessible information about her health condition and the methods of the curative treatment; - Security of the diagnostic and curative procedures performed; - Avoidance of pain and suffering during the treatment as far as possible; - Qualitative healthcare. My experience as a mother was ruined. If we were in other country, most probably Dr. Nelly Dimova would have lose her license as a practitioner or will be in jail. But as I said before, unfortunately the culture in #Bulgaria is an issue. Related to the accommodation, despite requesting a private room, I was assigned to a room with a patient with an infection. Nobody told me about that, but she as a neighbor. Hospital staff should speak about this because you need to know who are you sharing the room with. Furthermore, considering that you pay around € 1.000,00 for accommodation services and amenities, food offered during the recovering process is simply awful and anti-hygienic. It is always packed in plastic non-reusable containers that most of the time are store in a fridge and served again, in case the patient skips the mealtime. What is more, despite being a hospital; there is not a dishwasher available for the cluttery, thus a nurse washes the forks and spoons by hand in a facility that is somehow not entirely clean. The bottles used for the babies are philips avent, however they are also washed manually. The plastic looked so yellow, that you can detect that they have been used for long time. Internet in the hospital never worked. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME TO SEND YOU A COPY OF THE COMPLAINT. DO NOT USE THE SERVICES OF THIS HOSPITAL AND AVOID DR. NELLY DIMOVA. LOCAL GUIDES COMMENTING FAKE REVIEWS.

  • Rositsa



    I am surprised there are so few reviews for this wonderful place. My child was born naturally in Nadezhda in spring 2017. I highly recommend this hospital over any other Bulgarian place where you can give birth! The delivery: 95% of the staff are very kind and I will always be grateful to the midwives who treated me with great care and were very friendly and gentle. They do most of the work during a natural birth, so you should not worry who the doctor on shift is when your time to visit them comes. Your husband can attend the birth, which is RARE in Bulgaria. All services are included in the price for a birth, which is about 2k BGN and is well worth it. If you have an additional health insurance, it will probably cover at least half of the amount anyways. The whole process takes place in the same room, there is no waiting in corridors e.g. like in the other Bulgarian hospitals. You have a private bathroom, there is music over the radio or you can bring your own, I felt comfortable in the room for delivery. The stay: After a natural birth, you stay there for 3 days, which is the standard period for Bulgaria. Unlike many/all other places, your baby can be with you at almost all times. You need to leave it with the staff e.g. only for the daily doctor's check, diaper change or when you go to the common room for your meals. (Or for longer, of course, if this is your personal preference.) You will probably be in a room with two beds, a private bathroom and a TV by your bed. Every day you choose one of two options for each meal for the next day. Usually one of the options is healthier (e.g. a breakfast with egg, cucumbers, cheese etc.), the other one- not that much (e.g. a pastry from white flour ("kifla")). The food is usually traditional for Bulgaria, but there is also a fridge where you can store any food brought to you from outside. Other services: Before the birth, my husband and I attended many classes of the hospital's "School for parents" and we enjoyed it. Nadezhda Stamenova, who is the lecturer, is amazing. (I was very lucky that she was also one of the midwives during my delivery!) I also had a few appointments there when I was 8 months pregnant, as well as the glucose diabetes test, all services were alright with prices ranging form 20 to 50 BGN. We have amazing memories from the day our child was born and we are grateful to Nadezhda's staff for this!

  • Димитър Несторов

    Димитър Несторов


    High prices, but no free parking, polite personnel, good professionals.

  • Vitali Burla

    Vitali Burla


    Amazing staff, professional care, should be considered as benchmark for hospitals

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