Mixtape 5 i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienMixtape 5



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bulevard "Cherni vrah", 1142, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 929 5965
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 42.6831176, Longitude: 23.3211175

kommentar 5

  • Ben



    Great Salsa parties on Tuseday🕺💃

  • Мария Александрова

    Мария Александрова


    Place is nice, has enough space for having fun, dancing, whatever. They have a POS terminal at the bar which is a huge plus for me but weird thing is they don't have one at the entrance, you can't pay your entry fee with a card. Ventilation is one of the best/strongest which is a plus.. unless you stay seated, then you can even catch a cold. Some things are a bit worn-out but hopefully they will refresh the interior and stuff which is the same since ever. Not for people with too high expectations. Generally would recommend for having a good time.

  • Ivaylo Hristov

    Ivaylo Hristov


    Great venue for live gigs.

  • Nikolay Grigorov

    Nikolay Grigorov


    Best Place for salsa dancing in Sofia.

  • Eliran Cohen

    Eliran Cohen


    Very good place Every Tuesday has there salsa party 😉

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