Mix of Figs i Sofia

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BulgarienMix of Figs


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10, ulitsa "Neofit Rilski", 1000, Sofia, BG Bułgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
internet side: mixofigs.bg
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Latitude: 42.6908499, Longitude: 23.3155225

kommentar 5

  • Sofia Pub Crawl

    Sofia Pub Crawl


    If you have a vigan diet, it's great for a quick bite.

  • Amy T

    Amy T


    We ordered a pizza and a cake. The pizza was very very dry and not very appetizing. The chocolate cake was too rich. We tried to order water with our meal and they told us to go to a local corner shop instead as they were out of water. On top of that, the staff didn't really seem interested in serving so it wasn't a very nice atmosphere. All in all, wouldn't recommend here. There are nicer vegan options at the local supermarkets.

  • Adam Robota

    Adam Robota


    Delicious pizza, amazing burgers. Stuff can speak fluently english and glad to help to choose on. Free wifi and credit cards accepted. Good prices. If I am back in Sofia, I will definetely come back.

  • en

    Rosen Filev


    Great idea for a place, but the execution could be improved. The food is good (I wouldn't say great though), however, there needs to be more choice for salads. Just because it is a vegan place, doesn't mean you can't have some basic vegan staples from the Bulgarian cuisine. However, the worst part is the presentation - it looks like an old buffet (столова), from the communism. There needs to be a BIG improvement in how the food is presented, because we had to force ourselves to sit and try it, it is really not cosy or inviting at all.

  • Gabriella



    Любезно обслужване, но за сметка на качеството.Имам чувството, че малкото храна, която предлагат е вкиснала или явно този, който я прави е любител на прекалено киселия вкус, а цените не са особено ниски.

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