METRO i Varna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, ulitsa "Atanas Moskov", 9023, Varna, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 52 588 132
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2329164, Longitude: 27.8607017

kommentar 5

  • Antonio Forteza

    Antonio Forteza


    Better now than just a year ago. Service is also getting better. Love the brown hair 40 something who works at the reception. Alway very nice and HELPFUL

  • Ivo Rakitin

    Ivo Rakitin


    Metro superstore. Good prototions. Nice staff.

  • Никола Нейков

    Никола Нейков


    As every big supermarket there is a lot to choose from. There are a lot of promotions at a very good prices. It is comfortable for shopping, alas the fruit and vegetable section contains products which aren't of a high quality.

  • Raimund Schopf

    Raimund Schopf


    Did not get what I want...Smart TV...just a few there...too less...

  • Alexander Kolesnikov

    Alexander Kolesnikov


    It's a decent store, plenty of various things and food items to shop for, so we come here regularly. Why it is less than perfect is that its staff is so typically post-Soviet, I would say. We were shopping in an aisle today, and they decided to close it for some maintenance. As the store is open 24 hours, this is understandable. Unfortunately, they were acting like robots, just silently closing the path in front of us, not looking, not speaking. Couldn't they just say something like 'sorry, we have to close for a moment'. Maybe even smiling, or something like that...

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