Maria Luisa i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienMaria Luisa


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29, булевард „княгиня Мария Луиза“, 1301, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 980 5577
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Latitude: 42.7004797, Longitude: 23.3222804

kommentar 5

  • Stas King

    Stas King


    Very nice

  • Simon Says

    Simon Says


    The bed was fabulous... Fit for a king or queen or both if the relationship is good

  • ROSEMARY Kennedy

    ROSEMARY Kennedy


    Clean and comfortable. Friendly, helpful, multilingual staff!

  • Seb Glover

    Seb Glover


    We loved our stay here. The room was very spacious and tastefully designed, comfortable and refined, with immaculate attention to detail. The room achieves total darkness, which is much appreciated after late night tapas in the local bars! The breakfast was very special (I was particularly impressed with the three types of butter!). The staff were consistently friendly, well dressed and eager to assist throughout. Highly recommended.

  • Magdalena Marinova

    Magdalena Marinova


    I am a difficult guest when it comes to upper class hotel. Price and stars set the expectations and they need to be met. Preferably exceeded. I went with no expectations as I learned to lower my expectations in hotel industry in Bulgaria. I was pleasantly surprised this time with the overall experience. An old building made convenient and felt comfortable. Personnel was very friendly and accommodating. Apartment was comfortable, clean and warm, sheets were of a good quality, towels were clean and fresh smelling. Three downfalls - very limited selection of teas in the room - just one kind, poor breakfast as quality and options and paid TV??? .... Neither of the three phones weren't working so every time I needed to contact the hotel I made a phone call from my cell phone. Not a huge problem, but funny.

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