Magazinche i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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379, ulitsa "Plovdiv", 1309, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7085556, Longitude: 23.2993136

kommentar 5

  • VM Sofia

    VM Sofia


    I like it, there is a choice, but a common problem in these stores is super narrow

  • Иван Иванов

    Иван Иванов


    A shop that will help you buy alcohol, cigarettes, coffee any time of the day. It is located at the corner of Plovdiv and Gabrovo streets. The entrance is from Plovdiv Street. Blvd 347 at Gabrovo Str. Close to Slivnitsa Blvd. (100m) Next to the Pastry Shop. Here you will find confectionery, as well as packaged snacks, many and varied nuts.

  • Emil Markov

    Emil Markov


    There is no loaded shop in the neighborhood, And very courteous staff! Well done!

  • Велко Велков

    Велко Велков


    Amazing staff with a very good supply of fresh stuff and always ready to help, even around the clock

  • Farin Chowdhury

    Farin Chowdhury


    Works 24 hours!

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