Locksmith Sherlock BG Group i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienLocksmith Sherlock BG Group



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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59А, ulitsa "Solunska", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 844 2464
internet side: kliuchar.bg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.6932762, Longitude: 23.3158654

kommentar 5

  • Teodora Simeonova

    Teodora Simeonova


    Not 24 hours as described here!

  • Краси Неделчев

    Краси Неделчев


    They managed to make me a very special key from a Japanese forklift. Before them, I went to three other studios and there they refused me ..

  • Georgi Chaev

    Georgi Chaev


    Incredible professionals, people who do not argue with you, but offer a quick and adequate solution to your problem. I am pleased and I am glad that there are still such specialists in Bulgaria

  • Vasko Videnov

    Vasko Videnov


    I used the services of this company recently, they came to the site quickly and did the job just as quickly and with good quality, which made me happy. I recommend with two hands!

  • Bate Boiko

    Bate Boiko


    The workmanship of the keys is very poor. The opening hours correspond to what was written - this studio never worked 24/7. They open early at 10.

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