Ла Прима Остерия i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienЛа Прима Остерия



🕗 åbningstider

32, ulitsa "Hristo Belchev", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 588 5720
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Latitude: 42.691194, Longitude: 23.320667

kommentar 5

  • Nelly M

    Nelly M


    Wonderful service and really nice food

  • Joana Dimitrova

    Joana Dimitrova


    Service is terrible. For the overpriced menu they are offering, one would think the service will be good, but NO!! We ordered drinks and food, one of our friends didn't receive his beer, when reminded, the waiter didn't even apologize. On our second drinks order waiter didn't bring half the drinks again. Everything was taking forever to come. Food came at different times for everybody... Food is good, but service is terrible, prices are too high for that quality.

  • Nelly Radulova

    Nelly Radulova


    The most delicious "Diavola" pizza I've ever had...Polite staff, good portions, cosy atmosphere, feels like italian home! Definetly will come back!

  • Giuro Kralev

    Giuro Kralev


    Nice garden, typical italian osteria + sized BBQ outside. Very nice salads. Suitable for both dinner and lunch.

  • Ivaylo Baldev

    Ivaylo Baldev


    The food is nothing special, the garden is good and the staff are friendly. However, it is highly overrated and the prices do not correspond to the overall quality of the restaurant.

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