Kostadinovi Kashti Complex i Долни Чукани

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BulgarienKostadinovi Kashti Complex


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1 Chukani Str, Elena 5070, 5070 Долни Чукани, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
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Latitude: 42.94073, Longitude: 25.8805851

kommentar 5

  • Dean Herbert

    Dean Herbert


    Views are spectacular from this hotel. We are staying in the modern apartment, which is very comfortable. Spa facilities are really well looked after and the food is amazing. You don't need anything else during your stay. I'd also suggest heading out on foot north, where you can get an even better view of the scenary.

  • Ralitsa Gavrilova

    Ralitsa Gavrilova


    Nice mountain view and nature and an authentic old house outside but bad maintenance inside. We were "welcomed" and registered by the waitress and as a whole the staff was not very helpful. The worst surprise was the poor breakfast and coffee excluded for which we paid additionally. We expected more value for this price but we left slightly disappointed. The 3 stars are for the pool and SPA complex which were nice.

  • Mark Anderson

    Mark Anderson


    Small, hard beds, nice people, lots of parking.

  • Temenuzhka Zlateva

    Temenuzhka Zlateva


    We stayed in the new hotel part "Sunny hills". The room was spacious and completely enough for family with two children. Nature and the view are amazing and the meals in the restaurant are really delicious. We really enjoyed our stay. The only discomfort for us was that the restorant is in the other building and even for a coffee you have to go there. The distance between both buildings is around 40 meters and you have to use the street to reach there.

  • David Alcaraz

    David Alcaraz


    Exelent good, Beautiful views, relaxing atmosphere

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