Kaufland i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, ulitsa "Skopie", 1233, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 800 12 220
internet side: kaufland.bg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7113463, Longitude: 23.3024911

kommentar 5

  • en

    Milcho Milchev


    Nice prices nice products big parking you can play with drone if you want.

  • Sonya Volkhonskaya

    Sonya Volkhonskaya


    Great variety of everything you could possibly need, plenty of promotions, covered parking. Good job kaufland

  • Lora Marinova

    Lora Marinova


    There's a lot of variety to both what products they provide and their pricing. There are brand exclusive products as well and Deluxe products that you can only find here, that are interesting, but, of course, also cost more. Being a hypermarket that has everything it sometimes fills with many people ans there are big waiting lines at check out, but the time you wait is rarely significant. Another very convenient feature is that within the building there are other service providers, like a pharmacy, a place to pay your bills, a shoe store, etc.

  • en

    Ralitsa Zaharieva


    Crowded, hard to get the logic behind the order of the goods sections, but very attractive variety for any preferences, very good quality of the product s, especially the fruit and vegetables

  • Κωνσταντίνος Παπούντζας

    Κωνσταντίνος Παπούντζας


    Quite a big super market with a help desk on the entrance. There are lockers, where you can place some stuff while shopping. It could have much more products since it is very spacious building . Smaller super markets like fantastico and lidl have some times better prices and wider variety. They rearranged the place some months ago. It has also a pharmacy, a restaurant, telecommunication shops , Rois shop for nuts/dry fruits etc and a shop to buy accessories , shoes and bags.

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