Ivani GuestRooms i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienIvani GuestRooms


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70, bulevard "Hristo Botev", 1303, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 959 4974
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Latitude: 42.7002975, Longitude: 23.3163577

kommentar 5

  • Petia Koleva

    Petia Koleva


    There are no such SCAMMERS! They order repairs and then hide like mice and block their phones. Let everything fall apart, I hope!

  • kos lan

    kos lan


    Very economical. Relatively clean. Good communication with staff. Central part.

  • Francoise Veronique

    Francoise Veronique


    Dilapidated. stinky .sale. rotten mattress and have no springs. The entrance and facade of the hotel in very very poor condition. Have sought the reception in the dark which is on the 3rd floor.

  • Sonia Carrere

    Sonia Carrere


    To be avoided, shower above the toilet which is shared with other customers. The tram constantly passes under the windows which makes a huge noise. Heating and paid extra, there is no kettle or lunch. The entrance to the hotel is murky and without very bad. The mattresses are old and it is impossible to sleep on them.

  • Юлиян Методиев

    Юлиян Методиев


    He's awesome

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