Ita Vet i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienIta Vet


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София, ул. Криволак 49, 1421 g.k. Lozenets, Sofia, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 871 0785
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.68108, Longitude: 23.32567

kommentar 5

  • Shaghik Matevossian

    Shaghik Matevossian


    I am very happy with ItaVet. We brought our pup when he was 3 months old with parvovirus, just on the Christmas Eve. Not only they cured and put him on his four, but also handled the situation with professionalism and kindness, starting with answering to all our calls and ending with puting all the effort into keeping the pup alive.

  • Ana .Nedyalkova

    Ana .Nedyalkova


    They made a very nice haircut to my cat. Also the staff is really careful and carries when even basic procedures are needed. I would definitely recommend the place.

  • Димитър Вълков

    Димитър Вълков


    Perfect service and attitude to animals, and there is a hotel for pets at good prices. Very good professionals.

  • alaswoeisme



    Outrageously overpriced and the doctor / nurse (not even sure about her qualifications) didn't even examine the potentially hurt cat we brought in.

  • Teodora Gospodinova

    Teodora Gospodinova


    Отношението беше любезно, нищо особено - мисля, че това е нещо, което винаги трябва да е така. Останах изключително НЕПРИЯТНО изненадана от цената, която заплатих (и която се различаваше от ценоразписа в сайта им). Уви на бележката нямаше подробно споменаване на "услугите" - които бяха обезпаразитяване и рязане на нокти на коте. 5 минути. Заплатих 48,60 лева за което...излишно е да казвам, че няма да се върна там. Nice attitude from the doctor but nothing special at all. It is OVERPRICED, been in better vet clinics before.

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