iStyle Vitosha i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarieniStyle Vitosha



🕗 åbningstider

25, bulevard "Vitosha", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 942 7759
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6934255, Longitude: 23.3206172

kommentar 5

  • Vanessa M.

    Vanessa M.


    The shop has a good variety of Apple products and is at a convenient location but that's about it. The customer service is appalling - very rude and disinterested staff. Considering the price of Apple products, you'd think that when you walk into a store you'd be greeted and treated properly. That's very much not the case in this place and I've got to say I'm very disappointed after my visit there today.

  • Thomas Diaz

    Thomas Diaz


    Worst after sale service! Bought a Macbook Pro 13-inch three days ago which turns out to be incompatible with some monitors including mine. They won't accept any returns for the reason that it was not bought online. Now my only chance is to sell it at a loss. Avoid!

  • Agustin Garbarino

    Agustin Garbarino


    Really good customer service!

  • iliya



    Great staff and they recommended me exactly what I needed. Couldn’t be happier with the service.

  • Radoslav Vangelov

    Radoslav Vangelov


    Incompetent and rude staff, especially the girl with the black hair. On a separate note they refused a replacement for my defective iPad Pro, 4 days after I bought it and told me to send if for repair. Absolute mockery- avoid like the plague if you can!

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