Inter Expo Center - Tsarigradsko Shose i Serdica

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BulgarienInter Expo Center - Tsarigradsko Shose


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1784 7-mi 11-ti kilometar, Serdica, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.6498444, Longitude: 23.3938428

kommentar 5

  • Iliyan Zankinski

    Iliyan Zankinski


    Chocolate fest

  • en

    Kalin Georgiev


    You have not to be here in rush hour.

  • Boyan Tomovski

    Boyan Tomovski


    You can't change platforms once you've check in the station. Platforms' space is not very broad and the benches are awefully made from steel sheets - makes you feel cold. Only 2 check-in automats, which as usual feature the crazy leftie placement of the card reader, which I find extremely inconvenient design.

  • en

    Ivaylo Vasilev


    One of the better metro stations in my opinion. It is just nice and I like the columns. Haven't felt my waits as much as in some of the other stations.

  • Plamen Nikolov

    Plamen Nikolov


    A metro station. Since it's brand new it's fine for travel and wait.

nærmeste Metrostation

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