Innovires i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ул. Г.С.Раковски № 96, ет. 2, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 709 0893
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.695, Longitude: 23.329019

kommentar 5

  • en

    Le JourSeLève


    Mrs. Dimitrova and Mr. Cholakov are the most ethical and hard-working professionnal lawyers I've ever met. True they are busy sometimes, but they always do their best to meet expectations. Namely, they would send you urgent files at 9pm, wake up at 5am, or call you on week-end if deemed necessary. They go the extra mile when needed, that's for sure! I've already referred people to them and I will definitely continue to do so!

  • en

    Pedro Martins


    Unfortunately my experience with this company is very negative. I had an urgent matter to resolve and you can say they were very helpful during first contact. They told me they would contact me later and talked about the possibility of an appointment the next morning since I was very clear of my urgency. Considering that I was not contacted I decided to go personally early next morning. Only the accountant was present and was kind enough to call the lawyer (Yordan I'm assuming...) and reassured me again that would call me as soon as possible. Well after 4 days I never heard from them again... so let me tell you, if for a moment they think that they will not enough money from you, they will have no problems in lying to you and leave you without counselling. Very unreliable...

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    Krzysztof Rychlik


    My experience with Innovires has been nothing but positive. They are professional, efficient and very helpful in any legal matter ranging from immigration to business law. I am very happy with their services and i highly recommend them to anyone needing professional legal help in Bulgaria.

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    Laurens de Jong


    Very satisfied about Innovires. Desislava and Yordan were very helpful and friendly. Definitely to be recommended!

  • en

    Steve Camp


    Great service. polite , efficient and fast. Very well informed.

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