Hotel Ramira i Kyustendil

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Ramira



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12, ulitsa "Han Krum", 2500, Kyustendil, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 78 525 525
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Latitude: 42.2830779, Longitude: 22.6883742

kommentar 5

  • Blagovesta Stankova

    Blagovesta Stankova


    Wonderful experience! The stuff was lovely and helpful. We recommend the hotel to anyone who appreciate beautiful environment and nice people. 🙏❤️🙏

  • Radu Bob

    Radu Bob


    Very disappointed with the staff at the restaurant, where we wanted to have a family lunch. Our query on menu was met by a rude form of reply from a too busy staff member, requesting us to wait while she was getting busy counting some change. As the waiting seemed to last forever, we took the obvious action, leaving the place, surely not to be back there. The management needs to prioritise customer care skills of their employees.

  • Nickolay Georgiev

    Nickolay Georgiev


    The hotel is great! The food in their restaurant is awesome.

  • Georgi Ivanov

    Georgi Ivanov


    A small hotel in Kyustendil with normal clean rooms with everything necessary inside and reasonable prices. The restaurant is not bad, nothing special as kitchen but entirely acceptable, friendly staff and normal prices. They have lunch menu.

  • Kostadin Buhchev

    Kostadin Buhchev


    Our room was beautiful and spacious. The hosts made us feel comfortable and we felt right at home. We ordered room service and the food was carefully thought out, cooked, and cared for. The room also came with a large balcony where all the stars and the moon we're visible. The hotel's attention to detail and genuine care that we had a lovely experience made us feel so special. Definitely recommend to anyone who is looking for a wholesome stay that just makes you happy. Hope to get the chance to return again..

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