Hotel LION Sofia i Sofia

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BulgarienHotel LION Sofia



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60, булевард „княгиня Мария Луиза“, 1202, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 917 8400
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.7044354, Longitude: 23.3239362

kommentar 5

  • Rosalie Boone

    Rosalie Boone


    Very happy to have stayed in this hotel! The staff speaks good English and are super friendly. They really think with you in case there is a problem. They give a lot of toiletries, which was very convenient. You get body wash and shampoo. Toothpaste and a toothbrush, soaps, q tips (cotton swabs), razor and shaving cream. The hotel is very clean and the beds are very comfortable. They thought about a minibar, so you have a small fridge in your room. The room also has AC. My room had a view over the roundabout with the lions, literally amazing! The breakfast in the morning is very nice and you have a couple of options. Hotel is literally at a Metro station, so for the people who like to travel with the metro: super convenient. Also a couple of pharmacies within a couple of meters. Would come here again if I would ever come back in Sofia!

  • Vlatko Aleksandrov

    Vlatko Aleksandrov


    Great hotel...Near to centar of Sofia, have train and metro station and many stores for food and market place nearby. The food is served in solid modern cafe restaurant, and is delicious.

  • Mihail Malinov

    Mihail Malinov


    Great service. Clean room, Friendly staff. Highly recommended A++++++

  • Nigel Johnson

    Nigel Johnson


    A very clean and comfortable hotel, would recommend. Lovely breakfast in the dining area where you can watch the world go by . Sofia is a much smaller than I imagined so everything is in walking distance. But excellent trams and buses make life that bit easier. Excellent place to visit.

  • Narek Badintaraphuwadol

    Narek Badintaraphuwadol


    This hotel is convenient for us , in the main road good restaurants and clean

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