хотел Глория палас i Sofia

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Bulgarienхотел Глория палас



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20, bulevard "Knyaginya Maria Luiza", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 980 7895
internet side: www.gloriapalacehotel.bg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7007407, Longitude: 23.3228052

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gulnar Erkman


    İn the center of everything..clean rooms and good breakfast with affordable prices.

  • Toomas Kirt

    Toomas Kirt


    It is terrible hotel and worst experience I ever had. It is dirty and things are broken in the room. Top was, that a whole night till 6am there was very loud music playing nearby and it was impossible to sleep. Even covering ears did not help as the whole building was shaking. Fortunately the breakfast was horrible and I couldn't eat it and thereby saved some unnecessary calories

  • JuhaVnt - Trainspotter from Finland

    JuhaVnt - Trainspotter from Finland


    Location good, interior looks nice, but cleanliness. Oh my, basic things being forgotten.

  • martin stoyanov

    martin stoyanov


    Don't make the mistake to stay at this hotel, the location is perfect but the hotel itself OMG. How places like this can exist?! And I'm not complaining about the poor rooms but about the unexpected roommates in my bed. It was full of BUGs!!!

  • Czaro Dziej

    Czaro Dziej


    Very average hotel. Time stopped here many years ago. Good location but also very bad, nearby is night club so if you want to sleep well after whole day sightseeing - forget about it. Comfort of this place is average. Bathroom... Well it was a bit scary to sit down and not fall down because it was unstable. In the wardrobe was a lot of paper bags and plastic bags. Lights didn't work correctly. In the night was loud and unpleasant. Breakfast? Well actually everything cold, very simple and not really tasty one. 2-3 types of cheese and sausages, no eggs, some poor salad and very bad bread. Coffee from the machine was just bitter and not tasty at all. Sorry but never again. For this price I saw much better hotels and hostels.

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