Хотел Глория палас i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienХотел Глория палас



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20, булевард „княгиня Мария Луиза“, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 980 7895
internet side: www.gloriapalacehotel.bg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7007407, Longitude: 23.3228052

kommentar 5

  • Paul Wright

    Paul Wright


    Great location in Sofia for Serdika. Comfortable hotel.

  • Lampis Tsiaparas

    Lampis Tsiaparas


    Normal rooms Old furniture They not come clean room Good person in reseption Dripping the toilet from up ster in side the room..

  • Sophia Olga Gkritsi

    Sophia Olga Gkritsi


    Really great location as it is almost right in the center of Sofia and with walkable distances to the main sites....great variety and taste of the breakfast...

  • Nana Flower

    Nana Flower


    Great hotel, friendly staff, clean rooms, location, close to transportation, shopping area, small bar and bank, suitable for children of all ages. There is a place to exercise that serves a breakfast of different cuisine and there is a laundry service

  • Andrei Claudiu

    Andrei Claudiu


    I had an overall good stay there. My only complaint is that water from the bathtub would easily get on the floor. The staff was nice and the cafeteria a good breakfast place.

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