Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, ploshtad "SVOBODA", 7500, Silistra, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 86 877 700
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.1172457, Longitude: 27.2615533

kommentar 5

  • Flame Fox

    Flame Fox


    Rooms are good but sometimes hot water doesn't come fast. I guess this is expected from most of the hotels because I am finding this as common. Restaurant food is nice. Menu is friendly although I can hardly imagine locals visiting more than once a month. The top floor restaurant has nice panorama. It's same with the prices there tough. Service level is good and what I found nice were the local students on practice. Don't expect too much from them but give them a chance and hand. You'll be surprised in nice way. The older waiters are professional and nice. Level of English within the property is good.

  • Kiril Tzotchev

    Kiril Tzotchev


    Excellent hotel in the pure centrum of the town. Good swimming pool ans spa.

  • Veselin Arif

    Veselin Arif


    Always have bugs in rooms. But the staff it’s Great very friendly

  • Iva Antonieva

    Iva Antonieva


    Not a five star hotel and they request an additional fee for the pet, however, the location is perfect, just in thr center; very big rooms and good breakfast. Staff is extreamly frindly, and there is a parking place in front of the hotel. Very good value for money. Recommend! Restaurant a little bit more expensive is available as well.

  • Никола Йорданов

    Никола Йорданов


    Good kitchen, good service, great interior

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