Hotel Central i Razgrad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Central


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40, ulitsa "Beli Lom", 7200, Razgrad, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 84 612 121
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.528237, Longitude: 26.5217436

kommentar 5

  • jaroslaw wszolek

    jaroslaw wszolek


    coll place

  • Clive Harvey

    Clive Harvey


    Very poor. Booked double room with AC. Got twin room without AC. Tried to charge twice the room cost quoted on booking. com then no eggs for breakfast. Never again.

  • Борислав Бонев

    Борислав Бонев


    Cold and communist-like

  • Mechkata



    good place, but price is high for this hotel class

  • Maia Hristozova

    Maia Hristozova


    We booked 3 single rooms and we were told we will get a 10% discount. One of the rooms was not cleaned from previous guests! When we told the reception the response was (no kidding): "B****t, this is not possible", and the girl did not even move from her chair!!! She simply stated that we are wrong and did not even send anyone to check! The room had no towels, shampoo, etc. We waited until the morning and spoke to the other receptionist on shift. Her reaction was the same - "We are wrong, it is impossible that the rooms are not clean." She as well did not send anyone to check! We asked for the phone number of the manager, the girl at the reception refused to give it to us and said she is not allowed to do that. We sent an email and never got a response. At the end when we were checking out we were NOT given the promised 10% discount. During the night some drunk guests were shouting in the corridors all the time and it was impossible to sleep.

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