Hotel Balkan i Gabrovo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Balkan


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14, ulitsa "Emanuil Manolov", 5300, Gabrovo, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 66 801 066
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Latitude: 42.8746935, Longitude: 25.317124

kommentar 5

  • Stanislav Stoyanov

    Stanislav Stoyanov


    Unfortunately the place in the centre of the town is not used well...

  • T D

    T D


    Honestly quite decent for the price. Close to city center. Friendly staff. Food was decent.

  • Dimitris Melissis

    Dimitris Melissis


    Old hotel but cheap and clean in the center of gabrovo

  • Irena Dimitrova

    Irena Dimitrova


    Good breakfast, we stayed in a flat but its not worth it. Not comfortable to sit and relax, a bit odd shape of the hall and furniture. Bed was comfy.

  • Todor Rogoshev

    Todor Rogoshev


    First of all the rooms had not been cleaned. The toilet paper hadn't been changed and the shampoos were probably over a year old. Second the breakfast was horrible. They had french toasts that were as hard as rubber. Worst of all - I happened to forget some clothes there and I called them the next they. They had lost them! One of the worst places I've ever been. Would not recommend.

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