Galaxy Bowling i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienGalaxy Bowling


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87, bulevard "Vitosha", 1463, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 916 6590
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6834958, Longitude: 23.3155673

kommentar 5

  • Pepa Dimitrova

    Pepa Dimitrova


    They accept only cash, even though there is a sticker on the entrance that this place accept credit cards. Also, the personnel was really rude.

  • Камелия Миронова

    Камелия Миронова


    A bit outdated, but friendly staff and cozy atmosphere. The prices are really low. Definitely will be back.

  • Este Ban

    Este Ban


    Nice atmosphere, cheap prices. But the quality of the floor is low

  • Andrey Popov

    Andrey Popov


    Good service and atmosphere, but unfortunately the bowling lanes are not even and at places even tilted. It can be fun trying to figure out where you need to aim to get around the tilted places, but I cannot recommend it if you want to play the real game.

  • Daniela Simittchieva

    Daniela Simittchieva


    I like this place. It has a great bowling area and other games on the side. The staff and service is quick and pleasant. You can go with friends or even for a team building and it’s a lot of fun. Prices are fair and you have the bar as well. It’s close to the center and easy to get there.

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