Fina Style - Massage center and physiopreventive therapy i Sofia

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BulgarienFina Style - Massage center and physiopreventive therapy



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18, ulitsa "Tsar Ivan Asen II", 1124, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 877 7749
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Latitude: 42.689817, Longitude: 23.340668

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Kucarov


    Very professional service, good prices, worth the money. Highly recommend

  • Plamen Cukev

    Plamen Cukev


    Very good, excellent service and professional team, perfect for professional and amateur sportsmen!!!

  • Denitsa Stoycheva

    Denitsa Stoycheva


    Good location, excellent customer service, quality materials. However I was really disappointed by the massage itself and the girl who gave it didn't seem much of a professional.

  • Maria Racheva

    Maria Racheva


    Excellent service by a really nice and friendly staff who are also very knowledgeable and professional in their work, combined with a cozy and comfortable setting in a top central location. I would definitely recommend Fina Style to all the people out there!

  • en

    Pavel Nikolov


    I was in this massage center and I would like to tell you that this is one of the best massage center in which I ever been. The people inside are very kind and polite and great professionals. I have bought a voucher to my wife also.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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