Fetish Club i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienFetish Club



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4, bulevard "Vitosha", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 981 0770
internet side: www.fetishsofia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.6947478, Longitude: 23.3205294

kommentar 5

  • en

    Madlen Petrova


    Awesome place with lovely girls. Had great time there! Loved the jacuzzi show. It was unbelievable!!!

  • en

    Мария Чилингирова


    So many beautiful girls. And by many I mean many. ;) Great atmosphere and professional services. Recommended.

  • en

    Lubaš Brantislav


    Avoid this place at all costs. Save your money for a better klub. Aggressive tactics to make you feel guilty for not being able to extract as much money from you while dancers (who really are beautiful) barely show any smiles and only dance the minimum necessary; no real effort or passion on their parts. It is all about expensive bottle service and private sessions with the girls in their private rooms. No chance to just sit and enjoy a good drink (way over priced) and watch the dancing. If you do not play along with their tactics, they get increasingly aggressive, insulting, and rude. Essentially, you need to pay continual money every few minutes or they want you out. And be clear: never give them your credit card. Bank notes and Leva only. Stay away.

  • Galya Petkova

    Galya Petkova


    The best strip club in Sofia! The first strip club where they show you the menu with the prices in the beginning! Loved the girls there! Great jacuzzi show!

  • J. Hayes

    J. Hayes


    Tremendous place ! So so so many beautiful girls ! Excellent service. This place makes you feel like you're a God !;) It's like no other place. Very professional shows with different themes and they even offer free transport ! Heaven on earth !!!!5 stars for sure. Love it!

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