Earth & People Hotel & SPA i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienEarth & People Hotel & SPA



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27, ulitsa "Okolovrasten pat", 1680, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 424 1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.652378, Longitude: 23.2878517

kommentar 5

  • Vasilis Kotzas

    Vasilis Kotzas


    Great breakfast. Nice bath. Not so friendly staff. No free parking.

  • Vasilis Kotzas

    Vasilis Kotzas


    Great breakfast. Nice bath. Not so friendly staff. No free parking.

  • kevin knol

    kevin knol


    Friendly staff en the hotel has a really nice view. Breakfast is not that special and the bathrooms have had their time. But the beds where great which is most important to me.

  • en

    Cristian Mihai


    Not bad, but with just a little bit more, the location would get a lot more appreciation. At the beginning we got a good room with a small defect into the bathroom. The reception changed the room and than we got an even better room than the first one, so it is important what room you get. Into the restaurant it could be better service because of the rude employees which is anyway a common thing around here. Down there is a spa. Acceptable pool, acceptable fitness equipment, good massage salons. The sauna should be free of charge as the pool. All-over an enjoyable experience.

  • en

    Cristian Mihai


    Not bad, but with just a little bit more, the location would get a lot more appreciation. At the beginning we got a good room with a small defect into the bathroom. The reception changed the room and than we got an even better room than the first one, so it is important what room you get. Into the restaurant it could be better service because of the rude employees which is anyway a common thing around here. Down there is a spa. Acceptable pool, acceptable fitness equipment, good massage salons. The sauna should be free of charge as the pool. All-over an enjoyable experience.

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