Dr Stefanov Pet Shop i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienDr Stefanov Pet Shop



🕗 åbningstider

388, ulitsa "Georgi Drazhev", 1336, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 700 13 030
internet side: zoomagazin.eu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7199459, Longitude: 23.2516649

kommentar 5

  • rashellest



    Very helpful staff. A lot of great choices are displayed.

  • Николай Неделчев

    Николай Неделчев


    If you need something for your pet, this is a nice place, where you can find almost anything.

  • Lora Marinova

    Lora Marinova


    Great pet supplies store! One of the cheapest I've come across, at least when it comes to cat food prices. I'm sure it applies to their other products, as well. Amazing, polite and incredibly helpful staff. Great variety of foods, toys, treats, beds, cosmetics, etc. You can get a free loyal client card that gives you a discount on every purchase that can increase over time as you buy more from them. Great incentive to keep going back.

  • Mila Tosheva

    Mila Tosheva


    Nice pet store, they don't sell cats and dogs, but there are smaller animals. The food products are good, that's where we get our dog's food, but the rest of the stuff like toys and cosmetics, etc are slightly too expensive for my taste.

  • Ivan Gavazov

    Ivan Gavazov


    Fast and competent personnel. Plenty of choices food, toys, medicals etc for your pet. It's like a giant super market. The prices are cheap and the quality is supreme.

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