dm drogerie markt Bulgaria i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bulgariendm drogerie markt Bulgaria



🕗 åbningstider

2А, ploshtad "Petko R. Slaveykov", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 421 8988
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.6922226, Longitude: 23.3237801

kommentar 5

  • Someone Sometimes

    Someone Sometimes


    Excellent selection, good prices, professional service 👍

  • Lora Nielsen

    Lora Nielsen


    Conveniently located at Slaveykov square in the heart of Sofia and next to L'Institut Francais de Sofia. It has a good range of products including organic, especially imported. It also has lots of different cosmetics mostly from Western Europe. Prices vary, so does the quality. They also have some nice Bulgarian products. The staff could smile a little bit more, otherwise an ok experience.

  • Dimitar Mirazchiyski

    Dimitar Mirazchiyski



  • Pelin Basak

    Pelin Basak


    Racism! We were talking in Turkish and security guy came next to us and followed us to everywhere until we finish our shopping! And the lady works there was really rude. They made us feel like we are thieves.

  • Chancey Dicklord

    Chancey Dicklord


    Extremely rude staff and security. Having spent 10 minutes browsing and filling my cart, a security guard started following me demonstratively, asking me what I needed, and obviously suspicious of me being a thief. Is this how you treat your customers? The blond cashier was rude as well - no greetings and an ugly annoyed look on her face. Disgusting.

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