Disco Sofia i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienDisco Sofia



🕗 åbningstider

12, ulitsa "Graf Ignatiev", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 98 886 7300
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.6933072, Longitude: 23.3229979

kommentar 5

  • Marco Marco

    Marco Marco


    Pretty cute place but each time I visited it the waitresses were kind of eager to assign you a table. The people are supposed to go to clubs to mingle, to get new acquaintances, not to stay pinned to a table, or on a couch in a corner like in a trench. It would even be a good idea to remove some of the tables in the middle of the dancing floor. It's normal that there are tables and couches in clubs, but there must be no obligation to get a table. People must be free to just stand at the bar, or to move around.

  • Joel Silva

    Joel Silva


    Very nice place . A music is perfect. Not to loud . You can speak :). The staff is very nice. The onwer os great and helpfully. The conditions are very good and the location is perfect.

  • Amber Taal

    Amber Taal


    Had a fun night out here.

  • Nikola Stojanovski

    Nikola Stojanovski


    Great place the personal are very kind the security people are cool. Prices are more or less ok deffinitly not expencive.

  • Ivan Ivanov

    Ivan Ivanov


    Disco ... what else do you need?!

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