Constitutional Court of Bulgaria в Sofia

БългарияConstitutional Court of Bulgaria


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1, bulevard Kniaz Aleksandar Dondukov, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 987 5008
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6978098, Longitude: 23.3240606

коментари 5

  • mitkoik



  • Alex Mitrany

    Alex Mitrany


    Constitutional Court

  • Roch Agostini

    Roch Agostini


    very nice building, close to other official buildings

  • Сэвэрняка Severnjka

    Сэвэрняка Severnjka


    In you, constitutional judges is the hope! Do not legitimize with your decisions documents, laws, etc. harmful to Bulgaria. Do not give a positive assessment of the Istanbul Convention on March 20! It is unconstitutional and you must stop trying to impose it! I also think that the Constitution should be amended and you should have more rights! Five stars for the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria !!!

  • Valentina Sarafanova

    Valentina Sarafanova


    Beautiful square, stately building. The Bulgarian Constitutional Court monitors the constitutionality of laws, other acts of the National Assembly and decrees of the President of the Republic. It consists of 12 members, one third of which are appointed by the National Assembly, one third are appointed by the President, and another third must be elected to the General Assembly of Judges of the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Supreme Administrative Court . The term of office is 9 years. Interesting fact: the Bulgarian Constitutional Court did not allow the former Tsar Simeon the Second to participate in the presidential election. The judges motivated their decision by the fact that the presidential candidate must reside permanently in Bulgaria for at least 5 years before the election. Tsar Simeon II was extremely upset by the decision of the court, but stated that he did not intend to challenge it. King Simeon the Second was nominally the last king of Bulgaria from 1943 to 1946, in childhood. Then, after the communist coup, the royal family emigrated. By the way, I will recommend the autobiographical book of Tsar Simeon II "One extraordinary fate"

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