Coffee & Tea House i Varna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCoffee & Tea House



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106, булевард „Владислав Варненчик“, 9000, Varna, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 428 3029
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2132097, Longitude: 27.9032101

kommentar 5

  • Евгений Козлов

    Евгений Козлов


    to me it took 40 minutes to come there. but I have no regrets. my v60 was really good to me, there were different beans to choose between. if you are looking for something more than espresso or standard late you better go there. PS no desserts here, tea and coffee only.

  • Artem P

    Artem P


    This is THE place for coffee and tea in Varna. Prices are very reasonable, atmosphere is nice, it has a second floor where you can chill in quietude and watch the busy road outside. Here you will drink quality coffee and can receive competent advice if you want to learn how to prepare it by yourself. Very recommended and a big thanks to the owner!

  • Mirena Markishka

    Mirena Markishka


    super place for cup of Coffee!

  • Manfredi G

    Manfredi G


    Good coffee however they do not have pastries. Also has large selection of fresh roasted beans as well as many types of coffee and tea accessories. Excellent service.

  • Michael Patrick Cairney

    Michael Patrick Cairney


    Excellent coffee, best I have had in Varna thus far. Bafflingly offered the option of either a freshly ground espresso or a Nespresso capsule. Also seems to have a great range of teas that I didn't have the opportunity to try.

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