Club Terminal 1 i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienClub Terminal 1



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1, ulitsa "Angel Kanchev", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 921 9001
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6931152, Longitude: 23.322551

kommentar 5

  • Marek Aurel

    Marek Aurel


    This is probably your best choice in Sofia if you want to go dancing. The venue has a nice layout with a central dance floor surrounded by bars and tables. There are enough toilets so that you don’t have to wait in a queue. Bar staff was always friendly and it never takes long to order a drink. The crowd is rather young 18-30, mainly students, 80% locals, a few foreigners. Atmosphere is relaxed, lots of people dancing and having fun. The place feels safe. Very good sound system, good dance music, the place is pumping between Thursday and Saturday.

  • Tony Gil

    Tony Gil


    We went to a party Old vs New Hiphop and it was fun. The combis were very bad and the waiter was rude and his English was awful, but it was a good pñace to party overall. Also Covid doesnt exist in Bulgaria.

  • Luis Turci

    Luis Turci


    Nice but they don’t play Britney Spears 😭🙄

  • סטיבן שנריק

    סטיבן שנריק


    Bartender will scam you if your a tourist, be careful and always ask price in advance

  • Daisy Wilson

    Daisy Wilson


    Amazing place to for great drinks, music and fun. The club manager has always been super welcoming each time I visit Terminal 1.

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