Chucky's Coffee House i Sofia

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BulgarienChucky's Coffee House



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29, ulitsa "Hristo Belchev", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 406 8869
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6918475, Longitude: 23.321035

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Meyer

    Alexandra Meyer


    So so nice here! I love the service. And the coffee is awesome. Came here two times during my 3 day visit to Sofia!

  • Diana Silianovska

    Diana Silianovska


    Arguably the best coffee in town. Great variety of beans and extraction methods. The personnel are very welcoming and the cherry on the pie is that it's a laptop-friendly space.

  • Марин Колев

    Марин Колев


    Awesome coffee-stop. Especially the white flat coffee. Shop smells kind of funny and furniture is a bit old but that's also part of the atmosphere :)))

  • Matt Giordano

    Matt Giordano


    I didn’t know what to expect in Sofia for coffee culture but I was pleasantly surprised - especially with how many shops served fresh roasted beans either in house or near by. Chucky’s was my personal favorite of the many that I enjoyed because they have a nice nutty espresso and traditional (Italian) cup sizes according to each drink - meaning smaller cups with ratios of espresso to milk that allows you to taste the espresso notes and flavors. The beans are not over roasted or bitter so you can enjoy a cup without the unwanted after taste. While I visited many great spots I would simply say start here!

  • Bulman



    I'm normally a flavoured Starbucks guy, but was in Sofia for a couple of days and my Mrs loves coffee. I can honestly say this is the best coffee I've ever had. We tried a few of the top rated places in Sofia but this one came out on top. I had a macchiato on the first day and Flat White on the second, no sugar or extras and they were delicious, they have taken my appreciation for coffee to a new level and I'm pretty gutted I'll most likely never find coffee that good again near me!

nærmeste Mad

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