Casa Ferrari B&B i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCasa Ferrari B&B


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16, ulitsa "Lyulin planina", 1606, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 891 2019
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Latitude: 42.6911241, Longitude: 23.3126383

kommentar 5

  • Sexy Dudeuk

    Sexy Dudeuk


    The owner is a nice man who is very knowledgeable on Bulgarian history and very helpful as well. Place is clean and quiet and has some good use of facilities in an area not too far from city center

  • josephine fothergill

    josephine fothergill


    We had a great 4 day stay at Casa Ferrari. The room was large and spacious, bed was comfortable with a bath room en suite. It was always clean. Our host 'Lucy" could'nt have been more helpful and kind. He did the breakfast for us each day treating us to different Bulgarian breakfast pastries and breads each morning. He was also very good at sitting with us and telling us about Bulgarian history and culture which was really interesting. We would highly recommend staying here!

  • Piotrek Tytyk

    Piotrek Tytyk


    Great place and fantastic owner! At the spot you can find whatever you want - water, snacks etc. Breakfasts are delicious 😀

  • Leonardo Vacavliev

    Leonardo Vacavliev


    Definitely recommend it. Great staff and the service is top notch in every area imaginable.

  • Erik Bregman

    Erik Bregman


    Good service for a great price. The owner will tell you where to go in Sofia and will also take you on a day trip to see a monastery outside Sofia. Every morning he serves you great Bulgarian breakfast and is proud to tell you all about Sofia and Bulgaria!

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