Carrusel i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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108, ulitsa „Georgi S. Rakovski“, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 707 8080
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.692521, Longitude: 23.326273

kommentar 5

  • Alex Jensen

    Alex Jensen


    Very nice club, good music, nice atmosphere, cheap drinks.

  • Ralitsa Mladenova

    Ralitsa Mladenova


    It's a great looking place! I adore disco balls! The music is nice and the drinks are at an affordable price. I just had once a bad experience when our reservation had a very expensive alcohol we have not ordered. I still believe/hope it was a misunderstanding and not on purpose. Anyway we were quickly relocated on another table - drinks on our own wish! Still, it's a very pleasant place to be and I always have a great time there!

  • Alfredo Moya Raventós

    Alfredo Moya Raventós


    Good night club, admision fee is 10BGN/5Eur, and drinks from 10BGN to 20BGN each

  • en

    Ivan Uzunov


    Nice little club with disco music. Entry fee is too high ( as far as I remember it was 20lv ~ 10€).

  • Dimitar Dimov

    Dimitar Dimov


    The night club is good bit the service is terrible and rude. We had to go to the bar and get the ice ourselves. It's just unacceptable for the service not to be around you for a long time!

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