Bistro 16 i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienBistro 16



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16, ulitsa "Pirotska", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6997398, Longitude: 23.3191847

kommentar 5

  • Lina Georgieva

    Lina Georgieva


    Tucked away, off of one of the most charming pedestrian streets in Sofia - in the most vibrant areas in the city - Bistro 16 really is a little local gem! With healthy breakfast options, fresh pastries, great coffee and smoothies, friendly service and outdoor seating — it’s a delightful place for a casual meet.

  • Victor Stoyanov

    Victor Stoyanov


    Fantastic hidden jewel in the center of Sofia.

  • Plamen Petroff

    Plamen Petroff


    A charming little place with lovely attitude and character. I loved the fact that you can treat yourself to some beverages that have the "homiest" taste and similar bakeries. I will refrain from pointing to a specific thing, every time I visit I discover something new. In short a highly recommend experience.

  • Vi Vi

    Vi Vi


    Super cute and cozy! I ate some really good yogurt with jam and oat biscuits

  • Mark den Broeder

    Mark den Broeder


    Small place, hidden from main street. Very friendly owner, great breakfast, not expensive at all. Coffee was great, so was the fresh juice. Would have breakfast here every day if i would live in Sofia.

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