BILLA i Stara Zagora

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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93, ulitsa "Sveti Kniaz Boris", 6000, Stara Zagora, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 42 697 820
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4270792, Longitude: 25.6339313

kommentar 5

  • Martin Ganchev

    Martin Ganchev


    Billa is average at best.

  • d georgieva

    d georgieva


    Very good supermarket

  • Fairest Envoy

    Fairest Envoy


    Billa supermarkets have always been one of my favorite supermarket chains to shop at. First, the shopping baskets are comfortable, unlike at, for instance, Kaufland. Second, the goods are better arranged than at many other supermatkets and don't, occasionally, shift places, because you know, 'customer should bite the hook and discover something new to spend money on, after searching for two hours for what they have specifically come for, which has mysteriously shifted place since the last time' marketing strategies. The supermarket is well stocked with various goods - the last thing I was pleasantly surprised to discover was a pretty decent choice of compots, in terms of food, drinks, mostly wines, and cosmetics and kitchen accessories too. Cat food is not really diverse. Another disadvantage I greatly dwell on is the lack of a public toilet - here Kaufland wins by and large. Still, Billa remains better for me, and it's nice that there's such a supermarket in almost all major areas of Stara Zagora these days. The one in Samara is really one of the biggest and best.

  • Lubka Henry

    Lubka Henry


    Well stocked for a small store. I'd only suggest to provide extra wrap at the chilled raw meat section.

  • Мирослав Пашов

    Мирослав Пашов


    Good place for quick shopping. If you have a Billa card you may get some discounts.

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