Barber & Beard i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienBarber & Beard



🕗 åbningstider

36, ulitsa "Tsar Asen", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 516 6996
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.6908871, Longitude: 23.31827

kommentar 5

  • en

    Usman Bhatti


    Best Barber in Sofia. Very friendly and the prices are very good. I am always happy with my haircut. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Joe Taylor


    Recently got a haircut and a beard trim here. Both were excellent. It was very nice to find a place that will trim/shape your beard without cutting it all off. The price was very reasonable as well. Would definitely return and recommend.

  • en

    David Richards


    I highly recommend Barber & Beard if you want a high quality hair cut and beard trim while in Sofia, Bulgaria. Ashraf is an absolute perfectionist and does a great job. He is located inside of a hair saloon which makes it a little hard to find, but just walk straight through and talk to him. He speaks good English and has very good prices. I can honestly say he gave me the best hair cut I've ever had, I am very happy!!

  • Juan Pablo Corti

    Juan Pablo Corti


    Capo total

  • Saverio Cannito

    Saverio Cannito


    The best Barber ever! El mejor barbero de Sofía. Il miglore barbiere della città! Si quieres darte un capricho, Ashraf te tratara como un rey. Muy profesional, majo y sobre excelente barbero. Hay que probarlo!! Precios asequibles. Se vuoi darti uno sfizio, Ashraf to tratterà come un signore. Eccellente professionista, simpatico...un grande barbiere. Da provare! Prezzi modici.

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