Bank UniCredit Bulbank i Varna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienBank UniCredit Bulbank



🕗 åbningstider

115, 9, 9002, Varna, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 52 785 711
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.2141397, Longitude: 27.9257247

kommentar 5

  • Ozan Atmar

    Ozan Atmar


    Unicredit is the best bank in Bulgaria. I have 4 company accounts, my personal account, also my wife has personal account in Unicredit. But this branch is the worst Unicredit experience in Bulgaria (Except one guy. There is one man who does his job perfectly. Rest of the personnel are like they send worst people to this branch.). They don't have respect and knowledge. They always start dialogue with trying to convince you to leave the bank without doing anything. The last time when I was there, the lady started dialogue by saying "everything you do here will cost you" without saying good morning or hello. They always want you to do your thing in the atm. But both 2 atms are out of service most of time. If you want to continue, they do your job with an angry face.

  • Виолета Панайотова

    Виолета Панайотова


    Много внимателни и отзивчиви!

  • Ivan Peychev

    Ivan Peychev


    Този клон на банката е закрит отдавна. Отвориха нов офис от отсрещната страна на булеварда (8-ми Приморски полк #115).

  • Blagovesta Pencheva

    Blagovesta Pencheva


    Great service in nice working atmosphere. Thank you!🙂

  • Stanimir Dimitrov

    Stanimir Dimitrov


    The work time ...if you have to pay anything ....u have to leave your work , it is uncomfortable some times imposible

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