Arte i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, bulevard Kniaz Aleksandar Dondukov, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 402 7100
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6979406, Longitude: 23.3249342

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Stapleton

    Andrew Stapleton


    Decent, central hotel in Sofia. Has a bit of wear and tear, and is showing. Reception staff are very friendly but seemed inexperienced and unsure of themselves. My room was fine, bed was very comfortable, but a small rattling noise from the AC unitnwas pretty annoying.

  • Ayla Bedri

    Ayla Bedri


    Very centrally located for all the sights and metro. Had a large room and once we'd discovered the extra duvet in the wardrobe a very comfortable bed. Breakfast was the best buffet I can remember having, superb array of choices.

  • John Paul van Son

    John Paul van Son


    Excellent location and fair prices depending on how booked. A/C barely works and windows cannot be opened for security reasons due to proximity to government buildings, but about as central as you can get and safe neighborhood.

  • Enrique Mondragon

    Enrique Mondragon


    Clean, comfortable not too spacious. Nice shower and good size bathroom. Overall it is a good option. The price for the room was higher by 9.00€ at the front desk that on line. Paid for the room online and the woman at the front desk was not very nice after that.

  • Yanic Motte

    Yanic Motte


    Pleasant hotel beside a crazy air conditioning. The average temperature in the room is below 10 degrees. When you ask nicely once, twice, three time to turn off the air conditioning no one care at all. Sleeping with a sweatshirt in the middle of the summer under a blanket is a truly amazing experience. Next time I will book an hotel which cares about their customer.

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