Agusta Spa Hotel i Veliko Tarnovo

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BulgarienAgusta Spa Hotel


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4, ulitsa "Tsvetarska", 5000, Veliko Tarnovo, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 461 8255
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Latitude: 43.0810731, Longitude: 25.6286607

kommentar 5

  • Angel Kolev

    Angel Kolev


    Great experience. The rooms are spacious, tastefully furnished and the prices are remarkably affordable. The hotel has its own underground parking which is great as finding parking spaces is difficult. In addition the hotel has an indoor swimming pool and a sauna.

  • Tsetsi



    Augusta hotel is absolutely gorgeous. The vibe i get here is a mix between slick and modern scaninavian style mixed with unique bulgarian notes. The hotel is a work of art in and of itself and the owners have a nack for fine things of beauty because they have compiled and displayed in the hotel the most astonishing collection of paintings and art pieces that I have ever seen! There is a pool and spa center downstairs as Well that are picture perfect, like the rest of the hotel is. Reception attendants are very kind and helful and have woken me up exactly at the requested time! The rooom lady Violetta went out of her way to explain to me all the hotel features and new developments they are planning. The owner is apparently an ex-pilot and he has explored quite a bit of places in the world in his day to gain an appreciation of the finer things in life and to model his hotel after. Vili also told me about the artist who was comissioned for the paintings and the designer who worked on this equisite hotel-project. I am at awe of the level of detail and cleanliness... the employees here are really proud with the hotel’s reputation and accomplishments! The proprietors obviously live and breathe their craft. Augusta hotel was made with love and effort and it is deffinitely worth seeing at least once in your life. The price is worth every penny and having just discovered Augusta and its sister hotel Concord, I will be sure to only come here when i visit the town of veliko tarnovo in the future! Thanks for a wonderful stay. It feels like i got to live in heaven for two days!

  • Oana Visinescu

    Oana Visinescu


    Nice hotel, close to city center. Personnel kind, great food for breakfast. I had a small problem with the indor pool. The water was a bit cold, and there were no sunbeds just some chairs and also no music to chill. Overall experience good. Veliko is a nice place to visit!

  • Ciprian Sebestyen

    Ciprian Sebestyen


    Nice hotel with large rooms and good services. Nice indoor pool.

  • Oana Iulia

    Oana Iulia


    I liked the hotel, it's clean and cozy. The pool is quite small and the massage I had wasn't professional at all - the lady who massaged me also served breakfast the next morning, so I assume she's doing more than one job. Overall all the hotel is nice and clean, and the personnel is friendly and helpful, so I'll give it a 5 star.

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